Sunday, March 29, 2015

Zha Jiang Noodles (noodles with Minced pork sauce)

My kids love noodles so much. They never get bored eating noodles.
I have variety noodles recipes and this one is one of them. It's quick and simple to prepare + yummy yumm yumm.
I usually use fresh noodle in Chinese market, beacuse it has chewy texture. 
The sauce is ground pork cooked with black bean paste sauce. It's thick sauce. Black Bean paste is made of black bean that are cooked and fermented with salt. It has rich nutty flavour. Butut is very salty. I usually ground it first before using. That way it will create smooth sauce. This noodle is served with vegetables (usually sliced cucumber, bean sprout, thinly sliced radishes). 
I hope you enjoy.


2 lbs Ground pork
4 tbsp soy sauce 
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine.
4 cloves of Garlic
2 tbsp ginger, thinly sliced
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
4 tbsp Sweet bean Paste, mashed
400 ml chicken stock
corn starch (mix with water for thickening)

some vegetables (thinly sliced radishes, bean sprout, thinly sliced cucumber)
green onion


- Mix together ground pork, soy sauce, salt and ground black pepper and set aside for about 15 minutes.
- sauteed garlic and ginger until fragrant. Add the pork, cook it until well done.
- Add the remaining ingredients (sweet bean paste, dark soy sauce, pepper, chicken stock).
- Heat it until it's boiled. Let it boil for about 5 minutes. Then add the corn starch mixtures, stir it properly. Turn off the heat once it's thickened. , prepare the noodles (I added olive oil, sesame oil, a little bit of fish sauce & black pepper when it was already cooked ) and any kind of veggies you want.
HOW TO EAT: Mix all (meat sauce, noodles & veggies) together until the meat sauce covers the noodles and the veggies.

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